Battle of verdun facts
Battle of verdun facts

battle of verdun facts

The results already obtained comprise the relief of Verdun, the. In it the armies of France and Germany faced each other, in the town of Verdun-sur-Meuse, France. Facts about the War SOTUAT A BULLETIN OF INFORMATION PUBLISHED BY THE PARIS CHAMBER OF. The killing never stopped on the Western Front. The Battle of Verdun was a warlike conflict that took place between February 21 and December 19, 1916, within the framework of the First World War. The infantry and machine-gunners, which took the majority of casualties during the war, planned to lose 10 percent of the total strength each month to death, wounding, and illness. The French appointed General Petain to defend the city. Dozens, sometimes hundreds, of Canadian soldiers were killed and wounded each day along the Western Front. The Battle of Verdun is seen as a German failure for 3 key reasons The German plan of attrition had failed as they had almost as many casualties (350,000) as the French (400,000). Many of our younger subscribers may not even know of verdun.

battle of verdun facts

The inability to defend oneself against shelling or snipers, and the constant hardships of trench life, contributed to extreme stress and exhaustion. Yes but many people on this sub only know Verdun as a very horrible battle, knowing nothing else about it. The enemy remained largely hidden from view and soldiers often felt powerless against arbitrary and sudden death. Random shelling and sniping characterized trench warfare, with earth-shattering or deadly rifle shots periodically breaking the boredom of trench life. The unsanitary conditions of trench life, especially the cold, persistent dampness, resulted in trench foot, a frost-bite-like infection that in extreme cases, led to gangrene and amputation. The Attack Caught the French by Surprise French. Verdun Had Symbolic Value for Both Sides French soldiers coming out of their trenches. In 1918, doctors also identified lice as the cause of trench fever, which plagued the troops with headaches, fevers, and muscle pain. The Germans Designed Verdun to be a Battle of Attrition. Oversized rats, bloated by the food and waste of stationary armies, helped spread disease and were a constant irritant. Paris was occupied and the French government. Rats and lice tormented the troops by day and night. German armored units pushed through the Ardennes, outflanking the Maginot Line and unhinging the Allied defenders. Rolling barrages destroyed the earth of France and Belgium and the lives of many.

battle of verdun facts

The threat of death kept soldiers constantly on edge, while poor living conditions and a lack of sleep wore away at their health and stamina. World War I was a war of artillery - The Big Guns. Trench life involved long periods of boredom mixed with brief periods of terror.

Battle of verdun facts